(773) 592-1952

575 Lincoln Ave, Winnetka ,IL

08:00 am - 08:00 pm

What is VelaShape Body Contouring and How Does It Work?

The VelaShape device represents an innovative approach to body shaping, offering a non-surgical solution to cellulite and body shaping. The device includes: infrared rays, high-frequency currents and vacuum-roller massage. Symbiosis of these three directions gives good results when working with cellulite, also aimed at lifting, and works through localized fat deposits. The device has a temperature sensor. This allows you to set the right temperature to warm up the fat layer and start the process of lipolysis (breakdown). The sensor also helps to avoid burns. In addition, the device has an attachment for chin correction.

What problems does the VelaShape procedure successfully solve?

Suitable for who?

Ideal candidates for the VelaShape procedure are people who are close to their desired weight but have problems with localized fat deposits, cellulite and skin texture. This method is suitable for those who are looking to improve certain areas that do not lend themselves to diet and exercise, such as the thighs, buttocks and abdomen. VelaShape is not focused on weight loss, but rather on body shaping in those seeking a non-surgical solution to improve body shape and skin quality. In addition, the procedure is not recommended for patients with varicose veins, thrombosis. However, Vacuum Massage stimulates lymphatic outflow and blood circulation – this removes excess fluid from the body and improves metabolism.

Recommended number of sessions for optimal results

To achieve significant and long-lasting results, patients typically undergo four to eight sessions of the VelaShape procedure at intervals of 7 to 10 days. Already after the first session, the effects can be noticed within a few days: the skin becomes firmer and tighter, swelling is reduced and the skin takes on a healthier appearance. The effect gradually increases with each subsequent session. While visible improvement is often seen after just one or two sessions, the best results are usually seen six to eight weeks after completing a full course of treatment. It should be noted that while VelaShape does not provide permanent cellulite relief, results typically last from six months to one year. Periodic maintenance treatments are recommended to maintain the effect.

Due to its advanced technology and minimal recovery period, VelaShape is becoming an increasingly popular choice for people looking for a way to get smoother, firmer skin and a slimmer figure.


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This article was prepared by skin care specialist

Diana Terletska

Business owner, aesthetician, registered nurse